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Individual Planning Services

We are not one size fits all.

Our experience in dealing with complex situations and needs makes us the ideal solution for those with many moving parts. As we want to be certain our clients find value in the services we provide, we are selective with the clients we will accept. The more complex someone's situation is - the more help we can provide and the larger impact we can have.

If we are not a good match for your circumstances, we have partner firms we can suggest. 

Asset Protection

We have first hand experience working with high profile individuals, specialty physicians, and entrepreneurs which helps provide us with the experience needed to help you navigate these unpleasant waters

Tax Strategies

We specialize in income tax planning and will identify the tax-saving approaches that apply to your situation. We work with you throughout the year, not just when it’s time to prepare and file your return

Retirement Planning

Whether you’re five years away from retirement or 20 years away from retirement, we’ll help guide you through the steps necessary to help secure enough assets for your optimal retirement lifestyle

Investment Management

Through ongoing collaboration and monitoring, our team seeks to discover new avenues for you to invest your wealth and help accomplish your goals

Risk Management

By focusing attention on risk and committing the necessary resources to control and mitigate risk, a business(or individual) will protect itself from uncertainty, reduce costs, and increase the likelihood of business continuity and success

Estate Planning

Helping to create plans to settle estate taxes and debts, to transferring wealth. A proper plan includes considerations like the guardianship of minor children and pets. Who gets what, in the event of incapacitation or death

We offer a full suite of financial services focused on high net worth earners and accumulators

Who we serve best

Income Qualifications

Is your household income either $220,000+ per year OR if you are on track to be a high earner  

We can help

Investable Asset Levels 

If you have investable assets of $1,000,000+ or a household net worth of $5,000,000+

Let's talk


We have certain professions we focus on working with 

See if we can help