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Endowments & Foundations

Running a foundation is important work. Let us ensure you do it with ease.

As the leader of a nonprofit foundation or endowment program, you are tasked with the responsibilities and privilege of making our community a better place to live – you’re often asked to do so with limited resources. We are here to help you cultivate a sound fiduciary management strategy that will yield results, helping your organization grow, flourish and meet any future challenges.

We seek to provide our clients with investment advice, policy guidance, strategic advice, and specific guidance on mission-aligned investing.

Investment officers and investment committees at nonprofits face big challenges today—complex capital markets, tough regulatory oversight, high donor expectations and, in the coming years, lower expected market returns. We work with many nonprofit institutions, large and small, to help them overcome these challenges.

We want to help relieve investment committees of some of the heavy fiduciary burden weighing on them. We serve clients in a variety of ways, from fully discretionary relationships to situations where we act in a more consultative role. While every client and every relationship is different, our pledge is always the same: To help our clients achieve their investment objectives and empower them to fulfill their organizational missions.

Let's Discuss how we can help your foundation or endowment

Mission-Aligned Investing 

Many endowments struggle to reconcile two equally important goals when deploying capital: maximizing the return of their investment portfolio, and maximizing progress toward their mission. We believe a thoughtful, sustainable investment approach can bridge the gap between these goals, and help organizations achieve both their financial and mission-related goals within a unified portfolio strategy.  

We help to develop value-centric, mission-based investment programs.

Investment Consulting

Your team of advisors connects your organization’s investment goals to the sophisticated resources of an boutique investment advisory firm. We incorporate prudent investing principals, ongoing monitoring, and proactive guidance to help your organization fulfill its mission.

Fiduciary Governance

We know the importance of serving as a fiduciary. Avance Private takes a holistic approach to risk and factors it into everything we do: managing portfolios, cash flow modeling, data security, and vendor relationships. Through our oversight and governance, we seek to limit your risk in all ways critical to managing your organization’s assets.