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Professions we Specialize in

We can work with anyone that fits our client profile, however, there are certain professions we have expertise in working with. 

Aviation Professionals

  • Cyclical Nature of Commercial Aviation Industry 
  • Mergers among airlines
  • Airline Benefits & Union Contract 
  • High Income Potential 
  • Tax Planning and tax implications vary based on domicile
  • Mandatory Retirement Age 
  • Loss of Medical Concerns 
  • Protecting Assets and Creditor Protection
  • Company Stock and Pension Reviews

Specialty Physicians  and Health care providers

  • Protecting Assets and Creditor Protection
  • Complex Taxation
  • High Student Loan Debt
  • We will accommodate your Working Hours and call schedule
  • Mergers among health care practices
  • Business Opportunity Analysis
  • Estate Planning and Gifting
  • Tax efficient investing

Serial Entrepreneurs, multi business owner

  • Personal and Business Asset Integration
  • Cash flow management
  • Tax Strategies and incorporation structures
  • Tax efficient investing
  • Custom Retirement Plan Designs
  • Personal Asset and Creditor Protection
  • Succession Planning
  • Business Valuations and Business Exit Planning
  • Business Growth Consulting and Capital
  • Estate Planning and Gifting

Executive Level Employees

  • Equity Compensation Analysis
  • Stock Option analysis, RSU, ESOP
  • Tax Strategy
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Strategic Gifting  & Donations
  • 10b5-1 Planning
  • Corporate Benefits Optimization (Deferred Comp, 401(k), etc.)
  • Estate Planning  & Asset Protection
  • Investments & Retirement Planning

Accountants and CPAs

  • Integration of Comprehensive Financial Goals
  • Retirement Planning and cash flow modeling
  • Custom Retirement plan designs to favor owners and certain employees
  • Accommodating Seasonal Schedule
  • Estate Planning & Asset Protection
  • Tax Loss Harvesting Investment Strategies
  • Alternative Investments

Investment Professionals

  • Real Estate, Private Equity, Venture Capital fund Professionals 
  • Integration of personal and business investments
  • Estate Planning & Asset Protection
  • Option overlay strategies to lower aggregate portfolio risk
  • Tax Loss Harvesting Investment Strategies
  • Securities based lending
  • Comprehensive Financial Reporting
  • Risk Assessment and Management
  • Alternative Investments